How to Take Care of Yourself When the World is Challenging You

There is no doubt about it – everyone struggles when their world feels out of control. It can bring on feelings of powerlessness, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, overwhelm, and dissociation. While it is normal to want to “do” something (like pouring yourself into the news/social media, activism work, research, disseminating information, or protesting) it is crucial to make sure you are taking care of yourself in the midst of chaos. Here are three things to consider:

Check in with your “ground level” needs. Have you eaten today? Drank water? Taken your meds? Gotten enough sleep? Done something for your hygiene? If your answer is “no” to any of these questions, consider the most accessible way to complete them. Maybe that means eating a small snack instead of preparing a full meal. Maybe it means setting an alarm to remind yourself to take a sip of water. Maybe it means washing your hands instead of taking a bath. The point is to check in with what your body needs and give yourself permission to take care of it.

Limit the information you are consuming. Are you doom scrolling social media? Refreshing the news outlet pages every minute? Watching every video you can find related to current events? While staying informed can help us feel empowered, it is also teetering the fine line to overwhelm and grief. Consider setting a limit and reward for yourself. This may look like giving yourself a time max to consume information and then taking a nap. Or reading three articles and then going for a walk. The point is not to totally distance yourself from information, but to maintain awareness of how taking in the information is impacting you.

Maintain connection with others. Have you spoken to anyone about how you are doing? When was the last time you connected with someone in your support system? When world events beyond our control are coming down on us, it is normal to want to isolate. Give yourself permission to spend time alone, and also remember that we are built for connection. Whether it is through a text, phone call, or meeting in person, find someone you feel good to connect with and make a plan to spend some time together. And remember, while it can be easy (and sometimes beneficial!) to commiserate together, the point is to focus on using your connection to find a sliver of peace.

Do you want more information on how to take care of your specific needs, or support on issues that are personally impacting you? Schedule a free consult with me today.


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